Sunday, August 17, 2008

Will it EVER get easier!?

[Cue laugh track & stadium full of people shouting in unison] “NO!! OF. COURSE. NOT!”

As an 40-something single woman, I have been at this life thing for so long on my own. I AM BONE TIRED! I want to be done. Not with life – but with all the striving. All the pushing and fighting and struggling and figuring everything out on my own. When will the day come for me to sit back and enjoy the rewards of my work? [again, cue riotous laughter of those older and wiser] I’m obviously not the first person to pose this question.

I know I sound like a whining single person – which I am – but it is tough having to handle life on my own. I’m sure there are plenty of married people out there who want to smack me and tell me I have it made. Of course, I have God, family and friends – thank goodness for them because it truly would be impossible. However, I’m an adult and for all intents and purposes, my life rests solely on my shoulders. The good, the bad and the ugly.

The sayings are true – “the grass is always greener on the other side” and “we always want what we don’t have.” It’s true too, that there will always be others in life that appear to have no struggles at all; who seem to glide through life getting everything they have ever dreamed of; to whom everything comes easy… Naturally the lesson is, nothing is ever what it appears. And we should never compare ourselves with others because no one person is like another – no one person has the exact same journey as another. Just as I may look, with resentment, to people I think have it easy – others are looking at me the same way. There will always be those with more and those with less.

The truth is the striving will NEVER cease this side of heaven. But, the hope of heaven sure helps lighten the burden when you’re going it alone. Some days that hope is the only thing causing one foot to move in front of the other. But oh, how deeply grateful I am to God for His provision of my family and friends to walk along side – helping and encouraging me throughout the journey.

I may be bone tired and may feel alone. But I’m not. We’re all in this together, we all need each other to carry the load, to cheer, to mourn, to rally with and move forward. If you’re feeling like me, look around you and reach out – someone will be there to help.

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