I was flipping through Family Circle magazine the other day and came across this ad for Lee Relaxed Fit jeans. “Jeans should not be restricting, that’s what relationships are for.” That was the slogan. I have to say I was a bit stunned – especially given it was in FAMILY magazine.
Due to our fallen nature we have certainly abandoned God’s original and intended design for relationships and family. I do understand having gone through 3 divorces as a child, that life happens… things don’t work out as we plan and we have no control over others actions. There are many reasons we give (some valid, some not) as to why the original design has been altered. Though personally I desire God’s intention, we are where we are and people are people. It’s not my job to condemn, it’s to love and care.
The 60’s sexual revolution jump started the systematic obliteration of His original design by American Media. It has inch by inch introduced us to the alternate models. But this ad is another thing entirely. To me this ad exhibits malicious intent. It clearly is saying relationships are restricting. We already believe “restrictions” are bad, so this then plants the seed in our mind that if relationships are restricting – then relationships are bad. Therefore relationships should be avoided at all costs. I could go on forever about how horrendous that is.
The messages began subliminally. (Divorce, single parents, gay/lesbian, co-habitation) Then they were out-in-the-open but subtle. The alternate models eventually became required. Don’t misunderstand me, I think everyone should be included and valued because we all make up the human race. However, instead of celebrating all models, the American Media has – for lack of a better term – attacked the original model of male/female relationships and the traditional family (Dad, mom & children).
Traditional parents have been degraded to buffoons who are to be ignored and laughed at or they are eliminated all together. Male/female relationships – although still the prevalent model – are basically exhibited as abusive, crazy, or only needed for sex, and in some cases now, are ridiculed and even thought of as abnormal.
This ad is a perfect example of the agenda by the Media to not only outright condemn the original design… but persuade us to believe that life is better and happier without it. When you fight through all the smoke and mirrors, all the “jokes” and fluff… the media is encouraging the notion that people do not need other people.
IT'S SCHIZOPHRENIC!! It breaks my heart, and quite frankly, pisses me off. Not only are we fighting messages about our own self image… now we have to fight for relationships!
The ideal woman, who is airbrushed and computer altered, fills every advertising venue; the actor on screen and in the tabloids - who’s every waking hour includes personal chefs, personal trainers, hair & makeup teams, stylists, doctors, Botox, veneers, cigarettes and in many cases drugs – is celebrated, to be desired and looked up to.
On the one hand we have Oprah, Dove, those very models and actors pontificating that we need to “just be ourselves – whatever that looks like.” As well as an overflowing amount of books, talk shows, TV shows, movements, even a Senator who insists “it takes a village” touting the message of community, togetherness, connecting, giving to others.
On the other hand we have all Media telling us relationships are bad (and if we don’t look like the model on the cover the magazine, we’re worthless). Not to mention, most of the above, say one thing, but live the opposite. In their personal lives, they are supporting, by example the Media’s message to abandon the traditional model of family and relationships.
In an earlier blog, I talked about the Harlow study, “Love in Infant Monkeys”. Without other people around us – we will develop disturbing and abnormal behaviors. The bottom line, people, is DON’T LISTEN TO THE LIES! God knew what He was doing when He created the original model. Relationships are GOOD.
Lee Jeans…you are lying! Relationships are NOT restrictive!! Relationship bring safety and nourishment to thrive!!
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