Saturday, July 9, 2011

A Prayer about Our Restlessness and God’s Quieting Love

Zeph. 3:17
  • He will quiet you by his love. English Standard Version
  • He will rest in his love. American Standard Version
  • He will be quiet in his love. New American Standard
  • With his love, he will calm all your fears. New Living Translation
  • The quietness of his love will calm you down. New International Readers Version
  • He’ll calm you with his love. The Message
  • He will renew you in his love. Revised Standard Version

     Dear heavenly Father, I am thankful for all the ways this one tiny portion of the your Word is transmitted from Hebrew to English.  For every one of these translations speaks to our restless state and your quieting love. As your people, we are so thankful that we can bring our fidgety, on edge, uncertain, confused, ambivalent hearts to you. For you welcome us; you understand us; you promise us peace.
     Father, for those of us living in the dis-ease of lingering guilt and paralyzing shame, bring the truth and grace of the gospel to bear in great power. We praise you that, because of what you’ve done for us in Jesus, you are completely at peace with us; we don’t have to be afraid of judgment. You are resting in your love towards us. We don’t have to cower in doubt or busy ourselves with penance. We’re not in a doghouse; we’re in your Son. Your brow isn’t furrowed, but your arms are outstretched.
     Father, for those of us off balance and out of kilter because of career confusion, unsettling providences or developing stories of unrest, let us hear you say loud and lovingly, “Be still and know that I am God.” Quiet us, Father. Center us, settle us. The only thing we want to do quickly is run to you. Show us the bigger picture of the story you are writing. Save us from our “need” to have all the answers right away. Spare us of trying to be, yet again, our own savior and deliverer.
     Father, for those of us reeling and wrenching in the face of heartbreaking news, calm us down with the quietness of your love. Hold us close and tight. For the unsettling medical diagnosis just received, be our peace. For feelings of “parent-failure” arising from another round of our kids making foolish choices, be our sanity. In response to “pink slips,” foreclosure threats, divorce papers, moral failures, addiction discoveries… harness our fears; quell our anger; be our wisdom; give us hope.
     For the occupied throne of heaven, the unsearchable riches of the gospel, the promise of sufficient grace and the certainty of our returning King, we give you great praise, Father. So very Amen we pray, in Jesus’ strong and loving name.

Scotty Smith
Pastor for Preaching
Christ Community Church
1215 Hillsboro Rd.
Franklin, TN  37069
615-468-2230 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            615-468-2230      end_of_the_skype_highlighting      
posted: July 9, 2011 at 6:36am
It's good for our hearts to be strengthened by grace Hebrews 13:9

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