I've been in SoCal for 12 years and this was the second, but worst one I've experienced. Thank God, no damage - not even a toppled book or bottle during either. "They" all keep saying we're way overdue for the "Big One!" YIKES!!
It's a very weird feeling... not really a shaking like you'd think. Sometimes it's a rolling feeling - like balancing on a board on a ball. Tuesday felt more like being in a boat on really choppy water... rocking and bumping. A few people got motion sickness. It only lasts a matter of seconds but it feels much longer and you're left feeling unsettled for quiet awhile.
I don't want to think about the "Big One" coming. Of late it's been a heavy concern of mine, has put my nerves on edge. Certainly the devastation an earthquake causes is never wanted. Quite shallowly and selfishly though, I don't want the Big One to hit because I've finally, after all these years, gotten my apartment set up the way I want and I LOVE IT. I know we can't hold onto material things but at the same time you certainly don't want to loose everything you've worked so hard for. I know, I know... I'm being silly.
I realize nowhere is ever completely safe from natural disaster or other destruction. With tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, blizzards, tsunami's, landslides... even fires - we are all due at sometime. No one is immune as many across our country are well aware. My heart goes out to them. The heartache and the knowledge of all the work ahead to rebuild is overwhelming. It's been a tough season for America the past several years, weather wise.
These events remind us that this life is truly a vapor and our material things are barely a stitch on the tapestries of our lives. We need to keep our focus off ourselves and onto the bigger picture. (It is unfortunate that often times it takes devastation to get our attention.)
And yet... quiet often the best of human nature is exhibited during tough times. It does remind us of what is truly important. It does force us to step out of our own little world and think of others. True community and long lasting friendships are built from experiencing tragedy together. Kindness, care and concern for your neighbor is displayed. "Love In Action" is in full force! Good can be found in even the worst of circumstances... and you know, all the material things are easily replaced.