Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Driving Rants…

I don’t know about any other city, but in L.A. I want to pull my hair out everyday… and I’ve learned I can become a very violent person in my thoughts!


2. Compact parking spaces are for COMPACT cars NOT MONSTER SUVS!!

No one uses their turn signals in this town… except maybe the person on the 5-lane freeway at 4:00 AM when no one is on the road and the blinker’s been lit since they left their home 45 minutes earlier. Not only have turn signals become forgotten tools (like all the capabilities the average cell phone has, that no one actually uses), but people in L.A. tend to turn at the very last second so those behind are completely caught off guard! It’s dangerous – not only for drivers but pedestrians too!

Even with the skyrocketing gas prices, L.A. is not really the “City of Angels”… it’s the “City of Monster SUV’S.” It’s either a Hybrid or a Hummer! The lack of parking is already a huge issue in this city and so, when you’re circling around for an hour in parking garage after parking garage trying to find a spot… it is INFURIATING to realize that the past 10 (clearly labeled “compact”) spots you’ve attempted to park in have been TOO small! The reason? Some 7-passenger, extended-cab Hummer has taken up 2 spots plus half of the one you’re trying to get into! What the heck!? What part of the word “compact” is not clear?!

Using a turn signal and parking in the appropriate spot is not difficult or even inconvenient! I think both are actually covered on the exam we all have to take when we get the privilege of driving in this country!!

Who do these offenders think they are? Both of these issues are completely ridiculous, uncalled for, inconsiderate and just plain RUDE!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

No Pain... No Gain

Boy, have we all heard that one ad nauseum… and it’s not a saying any of us really wants to hear. Let’s face it, who wants to go through PAIN to get anything?? (Well, I guess, mothers would go through childbirth for their kids - but other than that – Forgeddaboudit!)

However, there’s truth in every cliché or it wouldn’t be a cliché. “No Pain, No Gain” is no different, and seems to be the reoccurring theme of many lives. In a book I read recently by Sarah Cunningham, she said: “Sometimes we only get to enjoy progress and ongoing peace AFTER we undergo inconvenient and sometimes painful periods of change.” Her statement caught my attention and led to this blog entry. That’s one powerful statement.

I guess, since the Garden, our lot in life is to “work” at whatever we put our hand to. Of course, as enlightened people of the 21st century we’re all about the “here and now;” about the quick fix, the easiest way to get from point A to point B… we’ve got assistants, blackberry’s, the Internet, microwaves – practically everything is at our fingertips in an instant. We work so hard to avoid the "pain" part of the gain. And yet, the avoidance of that pain can come back to bite us in the bum… sometimes 10 or 100-fold.

In Romans 5:3-5 Paul says: "3 And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; 4 and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; 5 and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us." Wait a minute… the world says I’m supposed to get all I can with the least amount of effort – as a matter of fact, I’m entitled… and God’s Word is telling me I need to ENJOY the pain?? What? Huh?

Oh, but look at what comes as a result… look at the type of human being we become as a result of experiencing the pain in order to get the gain. Our character is better, stronger. “No pain, No gain” is plastered on the walls of most school gyms and fitness centers across the country. Like a trained athlete whose physical body can endure and overcome any obstacle… our character – our souls - build perseverance and resilience and strength through the pain. And so, we too, can better overcome the obstacles we face.

The result of that stronger character – is hope! And, frankly hope keeps us afloat. Our hope is never changing, never wavering – and it doesn’t disappoint us!! Our hope is more solid than a rock because it’s based in God – who is the same yesterday, today and forever and ever. It’s based in His love for us and in the Holy Spirit resident in those of us who follow Christ. That’s some power-packin’ hope!

Sarah was right, when you’ve worked hard for something the enjoyment is so much sweeter and fulfilling. And with the unwavering hope that results… peace IS ongoing… even in pain.

If little labour, little are our gains:
Man's fortunes are according to his pains.
– Hesperides 752.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Being Crabby…

I was humbled and reproved the other day by a wonderful new co-worker who told me I was mean, and didn't want to talk to me. OUCH! I had treated her unkindly a week before, when she was just trying to help me out. DOUBLE OUCH!!

As I’ve mentioned before, unfortunately I am not someone who hides my feelings well. When I’m sad, you know it. When I’m angry, it’s very clear. When I’m happy, everyone gets smiles and hugs. My sister even told me I have a “wrath-of-God-look” that scares her. That may be a bit extreme and I may chuckle and pass it off as a joke… But she’s serious and that breaks my heart.

Granted we all have bad days… life is hard, things tick us off, someone treats us badly, we’re overwhelmed and we all have our list of pet peeves. And sometimes we have baggage from difficult childhoods that carry over into our responses now - even to the littlest things.

There are a lot of adjectives people could use to describe me… but the very last thing I want is to be known as being “mean” or scaring people with the fierceness of my looks! URGH! I want to be known as someone who is sincere, caring, friendly, loving, willing to go the extra mile, loyal, etc… I would hope people like me and want to be my friend, or due to what they observe, want to get to know me.

And what about my “witness” for Christ? TRIPLE OUCH!!! I am obviously not bringing His love to my work place, or to my sister those times she witnesses “the look.” On the one hand, I know I am to be a light. I am to reflect His character. With the Holy Spirit resident, I have the power to exhibit better responses and be more in control… I am to be in the world but not of it… I am to exercise the gifts of the Spirit and above all else exhibit love.

Yet on the other hand, we ARE human – yes, even we Christians. Therefore, it would be completely ridiculous to think we don’t have ups and downs just like everyone else; it would be unfair as well. Admittedly, there are those Christians who would rather not acknowledge the hard, cold facts of a fallen world and choose to live in fantasyland. Now, I know me, I will never be a “Praise the Lord” all-over-the-place type. God has brought me through many difficult dark experiences and He continually has to teach me to relinquish my will to His. (and let me tell you - that ain't easy - it's a battle of epic proportions most times.) He created me with a different temperament and personality, and so I can’t be a “happy-all-the-time" individual.

That is no excuse however, and so I’ve been embarrassingly reminded that I need to consider the circumstances at hand and whom I’m interacting with before I cut down an innocent bystander with my words and actions. I need to allow the Holy Spirit to be my filter – let Him take over the front door and living room of my heart, instead of locking Him in the basement closet.

And at the end of the day, no one deserves to be treated unkindly and no on deserves to be treated disrespectfully. “Love thy neighbor as thyself” isn’t that what the Good Book says.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Hollywood... Love it, yet hate it too...

I’m 43 and basically my entire working life has been in the entertainment field. I started in sports, moved into music and for the last 12 years I’ve been in film/DVD/TV. I think entertainment is part of my genetic makeup – it is a passion… however having lived in LA for over a decade, I have to say this industry is completely profane & debased. It caters to all the baser desires and truly does not have an altruistic fiber in it’s being… And yet – I can’t think of another industry I could function in. I’m an anally-retentive organizer who’s developing strong OCD tendencies (everything Hollywood is not), but the overflowing, infectious creative energy of entertainment and the undying HOPE of bettering humanity if only once in a blue moon keeps me rooted in this messy, insane industry.

The utter decadence that multi-millions bring is flabbergasting. The behavior of these young mega-celebrities is beyond comprehension! The stupidity of a society who literally worships someone who is “famous” for being in a Girls Gone Wild video or for his or her sex tape being launched on You Tube is unfathomable. With the advent of reality television we’ve really lost our marbles! These regular-Joe wannabes are so desperate for what they think fame and money will bring them that they literally will do anything. We’ve turned this country into a huge Jerry Springer show – highlighting and celebrating uneducated, untalented and unfortunate individuals. I’m actually extremely surprised that those truly gifted actors/actresses who have busted their butts for years – learning their craft, working their way up, not compromising themselves - are not “striking” in protest for being forced out of work by these hacks who’s only talent is having a pretty face/”hot” body and sleeping with 6 people at once. It’s degrading. It’s humiliating. It’s insulting.

Half the time I’m disgusted and half the time the state of Hollywood just depresses me. At the end of the day it is truly sad. You can literally go from living on a buddy’s couch, not knowing where your next meal is coming from to making 100 thousand dollars a week, with people dressing you, doing your hair/makeup, feeding you, catering to your every whim and 100 paparazzi camped outside your door. Seriously – how can someone handle that? Even the most “normal” of people can’t help but be turned. With so many people doing absolutely everything for you, its no wonder these celebrities are drinking and doing drugs! They are bored out of their minds – they need to have something to do on their own. And because this industry creates these narcissistic self-destructive people – the industry has to keep fueling the fire – keep them hooked; keep them bound because then it can remain in control. The minute one get’s too unruly or too far-gone, the industry deletes them and shuts them out. No one is held accountable, no one takes responsibility, no one really bothers to help repair the damage they’ve created… and yet our society puts these desperately insecure, lonely, out-of-touch celebrities on pedestals and markets them as our heroes. It’s heart-breaking. It’s disgusting.

Yet the joy... the exhilaration that great music, sports, television and film bring to our lives. We literally could not live without entertainment in some form... it lifts us up when we're down, it reminds us of the best (and worst) of humanity... it inspires, encourages and challenges, relaxes us and makes us roll-on-the-floor in laughter! It keeps us in touch with life. So for me, it will always be a love-hate relationship with Hollywood... and no matter what emotion I'm feeling about it I will always want to be a part of it in some way.