Thursday, May 1, 2008

Mind The Gap

This may be a sign on the platforms of London Tube stations… but oh the myriad of thoughts that come to mind when I read these three simple words.

Gaps are everywhere! Between generations, between job titles, between right & wrong, between family & friends. There are physical gaps and gaps in perception. There are gaps in thinking, in memory, in reasoning… even synaptic gaps. The most popular gap is a clothing store! Gaps are simply everywhere…

Some gaps will always remain – not matter the exhaustive human effort to eradicate them… they are rooted within the fibers of the planet. The gaps between cultures, race, gender, sex, politics and religion, for instance. There’s nothing wrong with these gaps - many should be embraced and celebrated… for they are what make life interesting and exciting.

The gaps between socioeconomic status; in basic civil rights and in opportunity… These gaps are not acceptable. Thank God, there are people who dedicate their life’s work to the bridging of these gaps. These “angels of mercy” should be applauded, for where would we be without them?

Some gaps will never be bridged this side of heaven. Pre-destination vs. free will - two seemingly opposing views, that in reality co-exist. It’ll be a question only answered when strolling through the garden with Christ. What of faith vs. doubt? Even with the Holy Spirit resident in my heart and my faith as sure as the rising & setting of the sun - I will always have moments, even seasons of doubt. There are issues I just can’t seem to reconcile in my mind; there are circumstances that are simply too difficult. How about the very basic gap between what I want vs. what is ultimately best? Paul describes it well in 1 Corinthians 13:12 (NLT): “Now we see things imperfectly as in a cloudy mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely.” I can’t wait till that day!

In the meantime there are gaps that CAN be bridged – gaps that are bridged probably every hour of the day somewhere in the world. How exciting is that?

There are gaps that I can bridge personally – within myself, within my family and friends; in my work and community. If we all did our part to fill the gaps within our realm of influence… imagine the possibilities of a world like that!

Mind the gap.

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